
Azure Blob 儲存體定價

一般用途v1 儲存體帳戶可讓您存取區塊Blob、分頁Blob、檔案、佇列及資料表 ... 區塊Blob 儲存體的Blob 儲存體帳戶和一般用途v2 帳戶定價相同,差別在於非經常性 ...

Comparison between Azure Storage V1 vs V2

Microsoft offers Azure Storage as a cloud storage service. Learn what's the difference between Azure storage v1 and v2 in detail.

Upgrade to a general

To upgrade a general-purpose v1 or Blob storage account to a general-purpose v2 account, use Azure portal, PowerShell, or Azure CLI. Select Upgrade at the ...

What is the difference between Azure Blob V1 and V2?

Artifactory has two different configurations for Azure Blob Storage, azure-blob-storage and azure-blob-storage-v2.

標準儲存體帳戶的延展性和效能目標- Azure Storage

下表描述Azure 一般用途v2 (GPv2)、一般用途v1 (GPv1) 與Blob 儲存體帳戶的預設限制。 「輸入」限制是指傳送至某個儲存體帳戶的所有資料。 「輸出 ...

Storage account overview - Azure Storage

You can upgrade a general-purpose v1 storage account or Blob Storage account to a general-purpose v2 account. Note that this action can't be ... Azure Storage redundancy · Premium block blob storage...

升級至一般用途v2 儲存體帳戶- Azure Storage

從一般用途v1 或Blob 儲存體帳戶升級至一般用途v2 儲存體帳戶,是很簡單的作業。 您可以使用Azure 入口網站、PowerShell 或Azure CLI 來執行升級。 升級至 ...

儲存體帳戶概觀- Azure Storage

您可以將一般用途v1 儲存體帳戶或Blob 儲存體帳戶升級至一般用途v2 帳戶。 請注意,此動作無法復原。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱升級至一般用途v2 儲存體帳戶。

Upgrade to a general-purpose v2 storage account

To upgrade a general-purpose v1 or Blob storage account to a general-purpose v2 account, use Azure portal, PowerShell, or Azure CLI. Select Upgrade at the ...

How are Azure BlobStorage type accounts different from StorageV2 ...

General-purpose v2 storage accounts support the latest Azure Storage features and incorporate all of the functionality of general-purpose v1 and Blob storage ...


一般用途v1儲存體帳戶可讓您存取區塊Blob、分頁Blob、檔案、佇列及資料表...區塊Blob儲存體的Blob儲存體帳戶和一般用途v2帳戶定價相同,差別在於非經常性 ...,MicrosoftoffersAzureStorageasacloudstorageservice.Learnwhat'sthedifferencebetweenAzurestoragev1andv2indetail.,Toupgradeageneral-purposev1orBlobstorageaccounttoageneral-purposev2account,useAzureportal,PowerShell,orAzureCLI.SelectUpgradeatthe ...,Art...